The Beauty in the Beast is now most definitely launched – but things keep happening to stop me getting back to work! I am about to head up to BBC Oxford to be a guest on the Jo Thoenes show … wonder if I will get away with any rude jokes this time?
Then, on Sunday, my first real outing with THE NEW TALK … I did a rehearsal at my launch event last Saturday which went really well and thanks to the creative and delicately framed feedback, I am happy to make some substantial changes. But Sunday, the 13th May, is the first festival, the Swindon Festival of Literature. I did a show on this day of the festival a few years ago – the Children and Families open day – and it was great fun. The venue, Lower Shaw Farm, is worth a visit, even without the presence of me and my stories of gentle eccentricities of my fellow wildlife lovers.
Next up is a return to the Idler Academy. Last time I did hedgehogs and it went down really well … pleasingly the one person to get the rudest of the jokes was the editor of The Beauty in the Beast … who else knows who Ron Jeremy is? This time I am not sure I will be able to compete with such smut, not unless there is mileage in the beaver? To see what happens, please book a ticket and come see the new show.
Some rather lovely reviews have started to emerge too – The Lady, The Daily Mail … to what demographic am I appealing I wonder? But more on them another time! Now I must don my waterproof trousers and head off to the BBC.